Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Eucalyptus dyes...

Growing up in California is, to probably only a greater extent in Australia, to grow up amongst eucalyptus trees. Even in the desert we had a few different trees of a number of different varieties scattered across our sand dune from the base to the top.
Anyone, then, who has been in and around groves of the trees is used to the prolific leaf litter that they build up. I guess the leaves contain high levels of phenols which prevent fungal decomposition so they tend to stick around something awful. (I've also heard that they wage a chemical war against other plants to bogart their way into more spacious growing conditions - perhaps why we see so many eucalyptus monoculture stands throughout California?) Anyways, I've always noticed the beautiful shades and hues that the leaves take on as they dry - everything from cold greens, blues, purples to warms of red, orange, and the like. I noticed this particularly intensely while living in San Luis Obispo as at that time the shades of my landscape were strong influences upon me. The shades of a particular few leaves near the creek and the deep dark always struck me as reminders of my good friend of the time. They were mixes of greens and blues, very subdued like those of dusk over the ocean, or an old faded shirt.
So this is of particular interest to me and looks as if it may be a very interesting project to take up. I understand I may not be able to quite replicate the images from my memory to my satisfaction, though regardless it will probably be quite beautiful...

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